Steps To NYS Medical Marijuanas Card Login | Registry ID Card NY

  • Login:

  • In order to log in to your, you must be registered with the portal and have an active account.

  • Accessing Your Account:

  • Now that you have access to your account, it is time to apply for your New York medical marijuana card via the portal. Click on ‘Health Applications’ then further click on the ‘Medical Marijuana Data Management System’ once the drop-down menu opens. If you’re requesting a new card, click on ‘Update Information/Request New Card’ and click on the green button saying ‘Request New Card’.

  • Requesting Your Card:

  • Once you click on the ‘Request New Card’ button, the next step is to submit your medical marijuana application and mention why you’re requesting a medical marijuana card in the first place. The portal also allows both patients and caregivers to update their necessary documents/information.

  • Wait For Approval:

  • Once you have successfully submitted your application via the New York medical marijuana portal, relevant authorities will go through your application. If approved, you’ll be able to get a temporary medical marijuana pass from your portal while a physical card is being mailed to you.

Note: A certified patient or a designated caregiver who has been issued a registry ID must update any change in their name or address within ten business days.